Liberry Air

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

And the beat goes on

Yet another reason not to shop at WalMart:

Better news: WalMart has agreed to make emergency contraception available in CT and disapproving pharmacists are required to either get another staff member to help the customer or send the customer to a convenient other pharmacy. Are they doing this because they want to? Nah. The state government finally got sick of negotiating with them and told them they could comply with this or the state medical benefits' prescription plan would not include Wally World as a provider. So, all that hooey about their considered positions comes down They do have a price, as huge as they are.

All of this, plus their attempt to go after Target's business, and Costco's business, encourage me to continue to boycott.

BTW, considerable research I've done has not come up with even one story I can confirm on Target's prescription "problem" other than the one we all saw. Target is required to honor dissenting pharmacists positions, but does require them to treat the customer well and make appropriate referrals. They also do seem to have disciplined employees who don't comply. I'm shopping there again.


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