Liberry Air

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Empire Strikes Back

The plumber has come and gone; the ice maker is going through the process of making the first of three batches to be dumped (in favor of clean ice).

Why, you ask, this title?

Because the bloody water dispenser doesn't work. Apparently there's a solenoid that doesn't appear to be working - hence the dearth of nifty fridge-supplied drinking water.

Calling the service number (on the nice refrigerator magnet they supply) does provide an opportunity to listen to the worst background music ever. It also lets you practice your skill in getting them to send a service person at a time when you are not normally at work. No, we do not want to take a personal day for this; we want you to recognize that the world works. Service hours should reflect this. I would love to have a job that would allow me to have my days off not on the weekend. Not having to hit the supermarket when Attila and the boys are out shopping too: priceless! Remember, Attila meant something like Scourge of God...and for good reason.

So Dr. A, normally a reasonable guy, got to speak to them. The general feeling was that it would probably not help matters if I started shrieking invective. Probably not.

He 'splained it to them. He suggested that since this was a brand-new fridge, we had a plumber standing next to the phone fuming in frustration, and they had a moral obligation to give us something that works for our money, they should send someone after 5 or on a weekend. And lo! they are!

So next weekend we find out whether the next title shall be The Return of the Jedi...or (ominous music) The Revenge of the Sith.

Meanwhile, it can take up to 48 hours for the ice unit to be fully operational so we're hanging onto the ice cube trays a bit longer. (And every time I hear a little clunk in the freezer, I hop up on my trusty step stool to view the latest little miracle issuing forth from the ice maker. Cool.) (On many levels.)


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