Liberry Air

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Is this really 2008?

Ken Blackwell, the former Ohio secretary of state who appears to be leading in the race to become the next chairman of the Republican National Committee, is defending a rival who distributed a CD containing a song called "Barack the Magic Negro," and dismissing criticism as a sign of media "hypersensitivity" to race.


"Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan
issued a statement Saturday distancing the party’s leadership from one of the GOP’s best-known operatives, Chip Saltsman, who distributed a CD containing “Barack the Magic Negro” as part of his campaign to be elected chairman of the Republican National Committee next month."

Duncan's statement, in full: "The 2008 election was a wake-up call for Republicans to reach out and bring more people into our party. I am shocked and appalled that anyone would think this is appropriate as it clearly does not move us in the right direction."

My God! It took 22 hours and questions from the press about their silence before they even responded...with this? An uproar following the use of a racial slur is "hypersensitivity to race"? "...does not move us in the right direction"?? Is he shocked and appalled only b
ecause it's a disastrous political move? Because the story got out? These are the mainstream representatives of the Republican Party? Is there no depth to which these people will not sink?