Liberry Air

Sunday, September 30, 2007


I'm thinking of making a truly frivolous purchase...just because it's something I would like to have.

Not sure why this seems so momentous instead of...normal.


Unexpectedly really enjoyed: Practical Dragonkeeping by Christopher Moore

Expectedly really enjoyed: Harry Potter 7


I really love my gardens although they are truly pathetic.

Every time I pick a weeny little pepper or find a new flower, it's a little burst of pure joy.

Morning glories are so aptly named.

Soon we will have three softball-sized watermelons.

Time to plant bulbs. Buying 90 may have been overly optimistic.

coming soon to a library nearby

Our new school is actually being built...and the library plans point to a facility that will be lovely.

Anyone moved into a new library? Got any advice? Warnings?

I already know the caveat about fighting for the ed specs dealing with shelving: a friend moved into her new space and started unpacking books. As she put them on the shelves, they started falling off onto her feet. They had changed her specs - wrong.

Anyone using wireless laptops instead of hard-wired units for all but a couple of OPACs? How's that going?


During last annual with one of my doctors, he noted I hadn't had a bone density done in some time - and had never had the full scan. So I had the scan. Then I had a phone call asking me to schedule a follow-up with him "No emergency; he just likes to go over the results personally with patients." Ahem. Even I am not that gullible, so I started getting religion (taking a couple of calcium supplements a day, eating more yogurt) and waited the month for the appointment (no rush to schedule a non-emergency visit - stealthily comforting).

We sat and chatted for a moment - after all, we've been seeing each other for thirty years. He delivered my daughter. I said, "So...? I'm guessing if all were well, we would not be having this little tete-a-tete." He grinned/grimaced and announced I have osteoporosis of the spine and osteopenia in my hips. So glad I had HRT and was not careful about calcium long ago. How smart to have somehow fallen off the walking bandwagon for quite a while. Well done.

So now my sudden burst of a couple of calcium supplements a day has morphed into Fosamax, three supplements a day, a search for a decent multivitamin to take every day, hard-wiring the yogurt-eating into my diet, and a long time to wait til the next bone scan to see if the loss can be stopped.

The good part is having discovered Adoras calcium supplements. They add 30 kcal each, so I had been leery about them. Wrong. They are disks of chocolate (dark or milk available) that really taste like...chocolate! I look forward to each supplement. They're less calories than an average candy. I haven't had any other chocolate in over 4 weeks now - I'm getting a guilt-free fix three times a day! Silver lining.


Ran into someone who used to be part of a circle of friends at a craft fair. Years ago, her husband, a close of friend of my husband's, collapsed and died shortly thereafter...but not so shortly that she could be spared the decision to remove him from life support when it was determined that the background count on the monitors was higher than his brain functions. She had a psychological break - in some ways, perhaps all of us did. The group evaporated, as did the relationships.

We asked each other how we were doing...fine, fine. She asked after husband; I stood there awkwardly. We smiled and moved on.

In some ways we've probably grown, but we seem to be diminished. The people we were have gone.


I'm trying to find my way to blogging regularly. Like everything else, if I can learn to be less earnest and intense, the process might be more manageable.